Protect your Website with WebDefender

Comprehensive WordPress website security

HAKERHIDE is a cutting-edge security technology paired with a multilayered website protection

Hide feature

Our hide feature will make your website invisible to hackers.

Hides your WordPress Websites from bots
Fully automatic encryption of your website components
Coding website without redirection (without using .htaccess file)

Get the Full Website Protection with the WebDefender Security plugin


for new users

$ 0 / month
  • CWIS Antivirus for viruses, malware, and malicious code monitoring as well as security vulnerabilities analysis
  • Basic scan option use only


for new users

$ 16 .90 / month
  • This Plan is suited for small and medium-sized private and commercial websites
  • 100% protection of your website on our security monitoring server 24/7. In case of a hackers attack or a virus infection, we will clean and repair your website
  • With CWIS premium, you will receive the best protection and the quickest response at the most reasonable prices
  • 365/24/7 monitoring of your website in our situation room. Once there is an attack on your website, our software engineers will get an instant notification and will protect, clean (if needed), and fix your website in the shortest possible time
  • The premium plan also includes manual corrections of any defective scripts, virus removal, and vulnerabilities detection
  • You will receive recommendations for security hardening
  • Website repair within 12 hours
  • Report & Alert notifications via email


for new users

$ 6 .90 / month
  • The plan includes all extra options. The best solution for small and medium-sized private and business websites
  • The expanded version of CWIS antivirus works best for detecting viruses, malicious scripts, malware, and any other security vulnerabilities on your website
  • Technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • A complete and detailed report


for new users

$ 12 / month
  • An easy and reliable solution for the protection of your customers from hackers. Security of your websites hosted on VPS server.
  • Technical support 24/7.
  • Providing a complete and detailed report.

WebDefender Antivirus – We provide the most innovative solutions for website security

  • Comprehensive monitoring of viruses on the website
  • Comprehensive scanning for malware
  • Phishing detection
  • Malware detection in the SQL database
  • Blacklist checking of your IP addresses and websites
  • Bot spam file detection
Malware detection
Vulnerabilities Scanner
Adware, Spyware and Spam Links Detection
Security Hardening Analytics & Secommendations

Scan Level Features

Basic Checking* — Quick checking. It scans only documents and scripts filtered by our extension. There is almost no probability of false-positive results when the scanner incorrectly classifies a file as a virus. The weakness of this method: it may skip infected files (such as PHP scripts renamed to images).

Recommended* — High scanning speed. It uses the heuristic analyser, and therefore, it efficiently detects new viruses. There is a slight possibility of false-positive results when the scanner incorrectly classifies a file as a virus. The peculiarity of this method: effective filtering of binary files (by MIME type).

Professional* — Slow scanning speed. It performs extensive scanning of all files and uses the heuristic analyser. It is recommended if you suppose that your server was hacked or infected with malware or a virus. The peculiarity of this method: all files are scanned thoroughly; additionally, the scanner checks your site for potentially malicious codes, private IP addresses, and more.

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