For many years, analysts at SplashData have published a list of the 100 worst passwords of the year

Thus, experts hope to draw attention to the problem that such statistics will force users to think about security and realize that “password” and “123456” are completely insecure passwords. But, unfortunately, the overall picture varies little from year to year.

The rating of the worst was traditionally drawn up on the basis of data leaks that occurred this year. So, the researchers analyzed more than 5 million unique records containing information about passwords.

As well as last year, the worst password in 2017 was “123456” – this combination again topped the list and was the most common. Also popular among the passwords is still popular sport (football, baseball, soccer, hockey, Lakers, jordan23, golfer, Rangers, Yankees), car brands (Mercedes, Corvette, Ferrari, Harley) and the simplest phrases that can be easily selected manually , without any brute force (iloveyou, letmein, whatever, blahblah).

“Using any password from this list expose the user to serious risk of identity theft,” analysts at SplashData warn.

As a result, the top 25 worst passwords of the year looks like this:

Password Compared to 2016
1         123456                          No change
2         password                     No change
3         12345678                     ↑ 1
4         qwerty                          ↑ 2
5         12345                            ↓ 2
6         123456789                   New
7         letmein                         New
8         1234567                       No change
9          football                       ↓ 4
10        iloveyou                      New
11        admin                          ↑ 4
12        welcome                      No change
13        monkey                       New
14        login                            ↓ 3
15        abc123                         ↓ 1
16        starwars                      New
17        123123                         New
18        dragon                        ↑ 1
19        passw0rd                   ↓ 1
20       master                         ↑ 1
21        hello                            New
22        freedom                     New
23        whatever                    New
24        qazwsx                        New
25         trustno1                     New

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