What are the signs of a hacked website?

What are the signs of a hacked website?

The hacked website is a big problem becoming for business owners.
Getting your site blacklisted, loss of traffic, complaints from client and hosting companies and all of the hard work you have put in into the promotion of your business ...

A new generation of phishing tools was discovered In Darknet

Check Point experts in together with CyberInt specialists have discovered new-generation phishing-tools for fake website building that are actively advertised in darknet.
According to experts, these tools represent a more advanced generation of threats to create more compelling fake sites.

The ...

Google improves security tools in Google Cloud, G Suite

Google Cloud Platform and G Suite security will be increase
On Wednesday, Google announced a set of new security features for the Google Cloud Platform and G Suite. According to the company, new opportunities will give companies more control over ...

Hackers hide a miner malware installer on Github

Be careful the miner malware installer is on Github
Analysts of Avast Software reported a new method of a hidden distribution of crypto-currency miners. They found a malicious installer, hidden in IT projects on Github.

The detected malicious program is spread ...

Google Play – found a new malware

Virus analysts found in the Google Play catalog 27 games with a built-in Android Trojan.RemoteCode.127.origin.

It quietly downloads and launches additional modules that perform various malicious functions. For example, they simulate the actions of users, secretly opening websites and clicking on ...

Ends in 2017, and the password “123456” is still the most popular

For many years, analysts at SplashData have published a list of the 100 worst passwords of the year
Thus, experts hope to draw attention to the problem that such statistics will force users to think about security and realize that ...

Facebook introduced a new protocol for encrypting chat conversations

The Facebook company published on the portal GitHub the code for a new encryption protocol for group chat with increased reliability, which was named Asynchronous Ratcheting Tree (ART).

According to the authors of the project – a group of researchers from ...

Hundreds of sites use malicious WordPress plugins 3 years after they are discovered

14 malicious plug-ins have been removed from the official WordPress catalog by the end of 2014
Cyber security experts from the company White Fir Design reported that several hundred sites continue to use 14 malicious plug-ins WordPress after almost three ...

Google will start filtering bad ads in Chrome

Chrome browser will have a built-in ads blocker.
Google reported that, as of February 15, 2018, a special filter will remove ads that can cause users inconvenience.
Formats that do not meet the standards set by the Coalition for Better ...

Facebook fights extortion of likes

The administration of Facebook is taking new measures to protect data – the social network introduced a special algorithm for recognizing faces.
It will help users in time to find out that their photos have been published, even if they ...

Phishing sites are moving to HTTPS

Phishing with false SSL certificates becomes massive – up to a quarter of fake sites are hosted on HTTPS-domains
“Kaspersky Lab” recorded tens of millions of threats only in the third quarter. The green lock does not guarantee the authenticity ...

OWASP named the most serious risks for Web applications

Participants in the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) have compiled another list of the most dangerous threats for Web applications
Participants in the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) have compiled another list of the most dangerous threats for ...

A new unCAPTCHA system can bypass 450 reCAPTCHA in less than 6 seconds

unCAPTCHA is a new automated system developed by experts from the University of Maryland at College Park, able to bypass reCAPTCHA from Googleinfo-icon with an accuracy of 85%
This is due to the audio version of the hint for people ...

Monero Miners use Google Tag Manager

Attackers distribute the Coinhive Miner using Google Tag Manager
Monero hunters, specializing in the introduction of the Coinhive Miner, have adopted the Google Tag Manager.

As the security researcher Troy Mursch told The Register, he discovered Coinhive on the website of ...

Google Advanced Protection: more protection at the expense of convenience

A week ago, on October 17, Google introduced enhanced security features for the Gmail account, targeting primarily civil servants and journalists using the company’s services. Experts do not consider the panacea a new set of tools for Advanced Protection, but ...

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