What are the signs of a hacked website?

What are the signs of a hacked website?

The hacked website is a big problem becoming for business owners.
Getting your site blacklisted, loss of traffic, complaints from client and hosting companies and all of the hard work you have put in into the promotion of your business ...

Server’s of LimeSurvey service was attacked by hackers

Server’s of LimeSurvey service was attacked by hackers

Specialists from the company RIPS Technologies found a dangerous vulnerability in the popular service for organizing online surveys LimeSurvey. vulnerability allow you to run arbitrary code on web servers.
LimeSurvey is a free ...

Facebook fights extortion of likes

The administration of Facebook is taking new measures to protect data – the social network introduced a special algorithm for recognizing faces.
It will help users in time to find out that their photos have been published, even if they ...

OWASP named the most serious risks for Web applications

Participants in the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) have compiled another list of the most dangerous threats for Web applications
Participants in the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) have compiled another list of the most dangerous threats for ...

In the popular WordPress plugin Formidable Forms are found and fixed critical vulnerability

The popular Formidable Forms plug-in, available in both free and paid versions, has more than 200,000 active installations. The plugin offers website owners a tool for creating contact pages, polls, polls and other forms
The well-known Finnish researcher Jouko Pynnönen, ...

Oracle fixed 20 dangerous vulnerabilities in Java SE

In total, Oracle fixed 252 vulnerabilities in its products
Oracle released the October security update Critical Patch Update 2017, which fixes a total of 252 vulnerabilities in a number of products, including Oracle Database Server and Java SE.
The company ...

Hackers scan sites in search for private SSH-keys

A publication of a report on the lack of adequate protection for SSH led to an unexpected surge of scans
Hackers scanned Web sites running WordPress in search for directories containing private SSH keys, in order to hack them with ...

Closed critical vulnerability in the PeopleSoft kernel engine

Closed on Tuesday, October 17, a vulnerability with remote code execution as part of a large quarterly issue of Oracle’s critical patches has become an alarming call for businesses using PeopleSoft with open access from the Internet
This bug with ...

The WordPress plugin “Display Widgets” distributes malware

The plug-in “Display Widgets”, numbering more than 200 thousand installations, was finally removed from the plug-ins directory to WordPress after a series of incidents, which resulted in the substitution of malicious code for new releases.

This code was a backdoor allowing ...

Detected critical vulnerability in Apache Struts

The update of the Apache Struts 2.5.13 web framework, used to create Java web applications using the Model-View-Controller paradigm, is published. The release includes a critical vulnerability fix (CVE-2017-9805) that allows you to run code on the server side.

The attack ...

Magento vulnerability has put 250 000 eCommerce websites under threat

Magento vulnerability has put 250 000 eCommerce websites under threat
DefenceCode researchers (a company that provides consulting services in the field of information security) found a vulnerability in the Magento eCommerce platform that allows hackers to upload malware to the ...

Thousands of routers are used to hack WordPress based websites

Thousands of routers are used to hack WordPress based websites
Wordfence specialists found that vulnerable routers are used to brute-force WordPress based websites.

Experts noticed something strange last month when the amount of cyber-attacks in Algeria jumped suddenly. The country went ...

Vulnerability in Nginx allows for root privileges in the system

Attackers are able to escalate their privileges and compromise the system as a result
Security researcher Dawid Golunski states that vulnerability in nginx (CVE-2016-1247) allows local attackers to obtain root privileges in the system.

Intruders who have managed to compromise an ...

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