The Chrome browser from Google info-icon will soon be flagging services that use the FTP protocol as unsafe. This was reported yesterday by Google employee, a member of the security team of Chrome, Mike West (Mike West).

“As part of our program to maintain security on the network, in particular, to transfer the security status of a web page, we plan to mark the resources that work on the FTP protocol as unsafe,” West said.

“This decision was made on the basis that the level of FTP security is even worse than that of HTTP. Given that the use of FTP during the last month is about 0.0026%, this will not affect users in any way. ”

Recall that the FTP protocol was published in 1971, but its main problem is not age, but that it was created in less dangerous conditions, and now does not stand any criticism from the point of view of security. Therefore, it is difficult to disagree with Google’s decision.

It is also worth noting that Linux Kernel also refused FTP, was switched to offline mode on March 1, 2017, in order to switch to HTTPS in the future.



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