
In Drupal patched not too dangerous XSS Vulnerability

In Drupal closed XSS Vulnerability
Last Wednesday, the Drupal team released updates with a patch for the XSS vulnerability in the CKEditor module of the CMS core.

This gap, estimated as moderately dangerous, is relevant only for Drupal 8; users are ...

Server’s of LimeSurvey service was attacked by hackers

Server’s of LimeSurvey service was attacked by hackers

Specialists from the company RIPS Technologies found a dangerous vulnerability in the popular service for organizing online surveys LimeSurvey. vulnerability allow you to run arbitrary code on web servers.
LimeSurvey is a free ...

Thousands of hacked sites infect visitors’ computers with malicious software

Thousands of sites hacked and infect visitors’ computers with malware
The other day it became known that a Hackers hacked several thousands of different sites by downloading malware to servers. It was done in order to infect the user PCs ...

For the first quarter of 2018, Consumer Cryptomining malware up 4,000%

For the first quarter of 2018, Consumer Cryptomining malware up 4,000
Specialists Malwarebytes published a report according to which the number of incidents of crypto-jacking for the first quarter of 2018 increased by 4000% compared to the same period last ...

More than 1000 Magento website were hacked.

More than 1000 sites based on Magento were hacked.Data on bank cards was stolen, and resources were installed on miners
Experts Flashpoint reported that they found a compromise of more than 1000 sites running Magento. According to the company, the ...

New Critical Vulnerabilities in Drupal

A critical vulnerability has been fixed in Drupal

A week ago on March 28, Drupal Security Team announced patches that close the critical bug in security, relevant for all versions of Drupal 6.x, 7.x and 8.x. The vulnerability allows an attacker ...

Google improves security tools in Google Cloud, G Suite

Google Cloud Platform and G Suite security will be increase
On Wednesday, Google announced a set of new security features for the Google Cloud Platform and G Suite. According to the company, new opportunities will give companies more control over ...

Hackers hide a miner malware installer on Github

Be careful the miner malware installer is on Github
Analysts of Avast Software reported a new method of a hidden distribution of crypto-currency miners. They found a malicious installer, hidden in IT projects on Github.

The detected malicious program is spread ...

New malware masks for IonCube files

Security researchers from SiteLock warned administrators of WordPress and Joomla sites about new malware that masqueraded as legitimate ionCube files. Malware, called ionCube Malware, is used by cybercriminals to create backdoors on vulnerable websites, allowing them to steal data or ...

The New version of WordPress 4.9.3 broke the automatic update function

Site administrators working on WordPress have had a tough week when, on Monday, February 5 2018, a new version of CMS (WordPress 4.9.3) was published, which was supposed to fix a number of minor problems, but eventually, accidentally, corrupted the ...

Phishing clone of Reddit site detected

A malicious clone of the popular Reddit site was found, it is located at reddit [.] Co
A malicious clone of the popular Reddit site was found, it is located at reddit [.] Co. Apparently, the author of this clone ...

Keylogger injection campaign covered 2000 WordPress-sites

The experts found that after the closure of the malicious website cloudflare [.] Solutions, with which hackers downloaded the cryptomayer Coinhive and later Keylogger on hacked WordPress sites, hackers registered three new domain names.
According to PublicWWW, at the moment, ...

Keylogger injection campaign covered 2000 WordPress-sites

The experts found that after the closure of the malicious website cloudflare [.] Solutions, with which hackers downloaded the cryptomayer Coinhive and later Keylogger on hacked WordPress sites, hackers registered three new domain names.
According to PublicWWW, at the moment, ...

Google Play – found a new malware

Virus analysts found in the Google Play catalog 27 games with a built-in Android Trojan.RemoteCode.127.origin.

It quietly downloads and launches additional modules that perform various malicious functions. For example, they simulate the actions of users, secretly opening websites and clicking on ...

Ends in 2017, and the password “123456” is still the most popular

For many years, analysts at SplashData have published a list of the 100 worst passwords of the year
Thus, experts hope to draw attention to the problem that such statistics will force users to think about security and realize that ...

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